Why Vape Pens have Become Popular Means of Recreation
Vape pens are used widely among youth. These pens are safer and considerably harmless in contrast to cigarettes. These pens have become a popular means of recreation for the youth due to its flavored and perfumed smoke. While smoking cigarettes is a socially disgraced activity, the use of vape pens has risen drastically. Vape pens offer a better means of recreation as they last long and can be reused. These pens can be used by re-filling the e liquid nicotine . This e-liquid is available with and without nicotine content which offers the youth a safer substitute to smoking. Cigarette smoke causes bad breadth and vape pens being flavored, leave a perfumed aroma. The cigarette smell is a big turn off and vape pens help you smoke while also getting rid of the bad breadth. Not just this, cigarettes also cause problems of yellow teeth and the vape pen’s smoke is cleaner which means no yellow teeth. Cigarettes contain nicotine which is the major reason for the yellow teeth and vape ...